Monday, March 23, 2015

Wish list...

Here are a few of my MUST HAVE spring looks for this year! 

 Okay how cute are these shoes?! At first when I saw people wearing them I thought they were hideous and it was a stupid trend…well I am obsessed with them now..whoops. I have found a few cute ones at American Eagle!

 I am in need of a cute and MODEST skirt…Actually I am in need of multiple long skirts. Either I grew or my skirts shrunk..( or those are excuses and I thought they were flattering in high school ) because I have just felt uncomfortable lately with how many short skirts I own! Not to mention when I get married they will all have to be burned ( maybe donated) because of my g's. I would love a few new skirts. I have been scouting out Anthropologie mainly to buy one soon..yes they are expensive but I would say its a good investment. The quality is awesome and they all go pretty long. Plus SO CUTE! You can buy cute and modest skirts..they don't have to look like grandma hand me downs. Another good place would be Down East..obviously!
 I am IN LOVE with denim on denim lately! Plus, how cute are those shoes?! I need some cute comfy shoes because I just go to my american flag boots every single day…Its pretty bad. Anyways, I love this outfit because its cute and comfy! Ive found a few cute denim button ups at Urban Outfitters and American Eagle.

 I am in need of a hair change… I hate dying my hair lately.. I throw it up into a bun or pony tail every single day anyways and curl it occasionally..It has gotten so healthy because of that. Now all I need to do is get rid of the dye and it would be awesome just saying haha.. I hate having damaged hair! My natural hair color is brown so I would go all the way brown again but I can't do it..Last time I did that I absolutely hated it. So the result would be this! Just a natural dirty blonde melt and then maybe in the future it would just go all the way brown but I would be able to adjust to the change a little better than I did awhile back. I don't want to dye it a ton over the summer because bleach and a lot of sun just kills your hair..What do you guys think? Also, short or long?! I just about chopped it the other day but pretty much had an anxiety attack in my chair and told her to stop right as she was getting the scissors.. I think we talked back and forth about cutting it for maybe 20 minutes.. So instead we just cut the dead ends to help it grow…but now I am regretting it. I miss short hair! HELP.
 Ahhh isn't this swimsuit to die for?! Its from Anthro…You don't want to know the price.. One day.
I'll go with this one..Its a little bit more reasonable.. Still super expensive.. Putting it on the wish list.

There ya go! Probably the most boring post ever but I wanted to jot down the things I want and put it on a wish list over here on the blog so I could remember. Maybe you guys will like these too. I am so excited for spring!


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