Monday, March 23, 2015

A Good Reminder

I absolutely love these quotes.. It is so true that in todays world we get so caught up in the little things that mean nothing in the long run..We worry too much about what we should do to impress others that when it comes down to it, who would you impress if nobody could see? So what if nobody sees your posts or that you didn't get 200 likes..They mean NOTHING. 

 I sometimes get so caught up in posting that lately it has kind of freaked me out. I love Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat etc..But do they really define who I am? It freaks me out that I sometimes feel like I can't go a day without looking at social media..Don't let it be the boss. Don't be enslaved to your phone..

The other night I was thinking of ways to improve this and trying to think of the people I most admire and why people admire them. I thought of a few women in my life and the first thing that popped into my head about all of them was that they never have a phone or other distractions in their face.. They LISTEN and truly care about you when you are with them. They aren't constantly looking at a screen. They serve others and aren't busy checking instagram. They are also very confident with themselves and do not compare themselves to others.. In the moment you are with them all that matters is YOU. Another thing that I realized was that they NEVER had phones or social media growing up..not to mention they still don't even know how to use it which is bizarre for our age but to me that is so admirable. I know that if I were blind these women would be just as beautiful as I could imagine. 

Ive realized that a lot of girls are down on themselves because they look at instagram and other things all day..well duh you are going to feel that way when thats is all you do! I have felt like that too! Its hard not to when you see those girls with perfect skin, hair, clothes etc. But you know what? It doesn't matter OR define who YOU are.. and you can't really change to look like them so stop waisting your life wanting to live someone else's. People will be drawn to you if you serve others, smile a ton, truly listen, and not care about what others think. You don't have to impress anyone. A goal that I have set for myself is to get ready in the morning, look in the mirror one last time and then for the rest of the day not care what I look like but put other people first. Its easy to forget others when you are just worrying about if your hair looks good or not.

 The second quote really speaks to me. We do not need to shine with glory on Instagram or Facebook so that others can be envious..When I put it that was that sounds terrible!! Why would we want people to be envious? Or the other way around, why should we put ourselves down and be envious? Each time we look down on ourselves it makes our heavenly father sad because he was SO excited to create us and thinks that we are all beautiful..It's like saying that Heavently Father is a bad artist or something… All of his creations are beautiful and we are one of them. Sometimes we need that reminder that this world is not made for those things.. They are distractions that can make us forget why we are here. I am not saying they are all bad..I use them as well and that is how our world is communicating. Its pretty cool! So many people run businesses through social media, have gotten a lot of opportunities and have met people through social media and heck even the missionaries are spreading the gospel through Facebook. Oh and I am ON the internet writing this right now so… Hah! 

Sometimes when we get too caught up in it we need to think of the BIG PLAN. If Heavenly Father came to your home unannounced what would be the first thing you would do? You wouldn't pull out your phone and do a snap chat video saying, " GUYS look who is at my house right now!!!" You wouldn't DARE tough that thing..So sometimes I have to think of that..It's just a tiny box. 

People who are happy and filled with the gospel have an overall light about them that makes everyone wonder what it is that makes their eyes sparkle. That sparkle doesn't come from having a successful 201 likes on Instagram or a new follower..It comes from someone who is filled with the light of the gospel and has found that true happiness..If people are going to be envious at least let people be envious of that..and they will realize that they can feel that same way and will discover the gospel. 

My goals for this week is to unplug more and to only check my social media once a day and to spread kindness and the gospel through social media more. I need to make an Im a Mormon profile! 


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