Saturday, February 28, 2015

Madisons Bridals

Meet my beautiful cousin Madison! I had such a fun time taking some bridals for her the other day and I am so excited to share some on the blog! It was seriously so much fun. And can I just say how easy it was?! It seriously is not the camera at all..its' the subject! Madison is just so fun, smiley, and bubbly and it made the photos so absolutely beautiful. Love you Madi!

P.s I will do a longer post on this later on. Stay tuned :).


The Very Berry Smoothie

The Energizer Smoothie! Or according to my dad, the sugar booster…. Thank you.

So have you guys ever had an acai bowl?! Well if not you are missing out. Sadly for a poor college student I can't just go buy the $18 dollar acai powder at sprouts…I have to improvise. This isn't acai obviously but it's just as good in my opinion! Lets call it a smoothie with granola. HAH. Yeah thats pretty much what it is! But when you put it all together you might as well be eating an awesome acai bowl and saving some money.


* ( 1 cup) Kirkland Natures Three Berries ( Frozen)- you don't have to get the huge bag.
* ( 4-5) Strawberries
* (1) Banana
*(1 1/2 cup) Silk Almond Milk
* ( 1/2 cup ) Frozen Orange Juice
* ( 1 1/4 tsp) Vanilla
* KIND granola ( If you are gluten free )
* Kiwi

1. Put crushed ice in the bottom of the blender. I just try to estimate how much will be enough..I would say about 2 cups of ice but it depends on how thick you want it. 

2. Pour in the cup of frozen berries. Yeah I know, it would be ten times better with fresh berries, but both work! If you have fresh berries on hand thats great! 

3. Add 3-4 strawberries. I still use frozen ones but I thaw them out so that they aren't rock hard and don't destroy your blender. 

4. VANILLA! I have a sort of obsession with vanilla..which doesn't make this perfectly healthy. I put 1 1/4 tsp in but it's your preference.. If you don't want to taste it then 1 tsp or less will do. I think it makes it extra tasty though! 

5. Add your ripe banana to the cluster of berries!

6. Add your almond milk! Its important to get the milk to mix into the berries and not just sit at the top. This is when I stir it all up with a spoon so that there will be enough liquid getting to the bottom to make it blend..This is a super thick smoothie and you don't want to destroy your blender! If it isn't blending well keep adding that almond milk but don't go overboard..then you have berry milk.

7. Final ingredient.. 1/2 cup of frozen orange juice! This too doesn't make it the healthiest but at least we aren't adding 2 cups of pure sugar to it. You can always choose not to add this though.

8. Again, if it's too thick, push all of the ingredients down with a spoon and mix it around to get liquid at the bottom! You may even have to do that several times in between blending it. 

9. VOILA! Isn't it pretty? And it's so good! I make this smoothie way too much. 

10. For the Acai bowl effect, add some yummy granola, honey, and some kiwi! It really does help your craving for an acai bowl…Or just go get one..either way..Some people are just lazy and poor like me..No shame. Hope you like it!



Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Knowing When to Persevere and When to Change Direction

Recently my family and I started a secret family fitspiration page and have been sharing fitness goals, healthy meals, and other things to inspire us to be better. My sister Amanda just shared a talk that my beautiful grandmother shared at a BYU devotional in 1992 and its exactly what I needed to hear right now!(Thanks for sharing Manny and I love you Nana Janet! ) I hope you find it helpful<3 Have a happy Tuesday the 17th!

p.s sorry for the random posting..catching up on the blog because its a free day! 


Janet G. Lee, wife of Rex E. Lee, gave this devotional address at Brigham Young University on 14 January 1992.
When my daughter Stephanie was five years old, I took her to register for kindergarten. When we arrived, she was invited to go into a classroom to “play games” with the teachers and other children. As a former elementary school teacher, I was certain the “games” were a method of testing for placement purposes.
A teacher was sitting just outside the room with a box of crayons and several sheets of blank paper, and I smiled confidently to myself from across the hall as Stephanie was asked to choose her favorite color and write her name. “She could write all the names in our family,” I thought to myself. “She is so well prepared, there isn’t anything in that room she can’t handle!” But Stephanie just stood there. The teacher repeated the instructions, and again my daughter stood still, staring blankly at the box of crayons with her knees locked and hands behind her back.
In the sweet, patient voice that teachers use when they are beginning to feel slightly impatient, the teacher asked once more, “Stephanie, choose your favorite color, dear, and write your name on this piece of paper.” I was about to come to my daughter’s aid when the teacher kindly said, “That’s okay. We will help you learn to write your name when you come to school in the fall.” With all the restraint I could muster, I watched Stephanie move into the classroom with a teacher who believed my daughter did not know how to write her name.
On the way home I tried to ask as nonchalantly as possible why she had not written her name. “I couldn’t,” she replied. “The teacher said to choose my favorite color, and there wasn’t a pink crayon in the box!”
I reflect on this incident often as I watch my children grow and observe life in general. How many times are we, as Heavenly Father’s children, immobilized because the choice we had in mind for ourselves just isn’t available to us, at least not at the time we want it?
Is progress halted when acceptance into a chosen major is denied, when enrollment in a required class is closed, when a desired job doesn’t come through, when that dream date doesn’t progress beyond friendship, or when the money hoped for isn’t there? Are we ever, for reasons that are hard to understand or beyond our control, faced with a set of circumstances that we did not have in mind for ourselves? In other words, what happens when we look in the box and the pink crayon just isn’t there? It is so easy to lock our knees, put our hands behind our back, and do nothing when things wished for and dreamed about are beyond our reach. But to do so would defy the very reason we are placed here on this earth. As hard as it sometimes is to understand, stumbling blocks are essential to our progression.
Remember what the Lord said: “If thou art called to pass through [some] tribulation . . . know . . . that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good” (D&C 122:5–7).
I have often wondered how Joseph of old must have felt as his brothers sold him into Egypt. Did he think that the good life was all over for him, that he would never again experience joy? What about Abraham and Isaac? Did they wonder why that horrible, sacrificial commandment had fallen to them? How did Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Hannah feel as they bore the stigma of being barren, when in those days it was interpreted as a sign of God’s displeasure? How did Lehi and Sariah feel as they fled from their home and friends in Jerusalem to live in the wilderness? And in this dispensation, would Hyrum and Joseph ever have chosen the difficulties they faced?
In each of these cases, as we observe the lives of men and women in scripture, it is easy to see how people can triumph over adversity. But in our own everyday lives it is often difficult to see beyond our own frustrations, to remain focused, to see the end from the beginning.
Elder Richard G. Scott wisely instructed in the October 1991 general conference:
Trust [the Lord], even when in eternal perspective it temporarily hurts very much. Have patience when you are asked to wait when you want immediate action. . . . The path you are to walk through life may be very different from others. You may not always know why He does what He does, but you can know that He is perfectly just and perfectly merciful. [“Obtaining Help from the Lord,”Ensign, November 1991, p. 86; emphasis added]
When my son Tom was twelve, his dream was to be a professional basketball player. Even though he practiced into the night, he was worried that he wasn’t the best on his team and even more worried that he was too short. I remember one night when he asked me, “What will happen to me if I don’t reach my goal?” We talked for a long time about choices and individual differences, about challenges and how to know when to persevere and when to change direction.
Tom made the high school team, but when it became apparent that there were other things he could do better, he changed direction. The crayon he would have chosen as a teenager just wasn’t there for him. He had to color his life with other choices. At twelve he thought his life would be worthless if he couldn’t play pro ball. At twenty-seven he feels successful in what he is doing and is happy in his profession.
Life is like that, and what we might want at twelve or twenty or forty-two or even seventy-two might have to be adapted to the opportunities and options that are available to us at the time.
A few years ago my sister and I were walking along the beach when we began a very serious talk about life, its challenges, and our growing ability to handle whatever came to us. “I think I have lived long enough now that I could handle any challenge given me,” I naively stated.
“I think I could, too,” was my sister’s quick reply.
Then the question that I will remember forever came from her: “Janet, what would be your most difficult challenge?”
I didn’t even need to think. I already knew. “The hardest thing for me,” I began, “would be the death of my husband. I can’t imagine life without Rex.”
“That would be hard,” she answered, “but I think divorce would be even more difficult for me.”
The preposterousness of our fears was interesting. Rex was running marathons and the picture of health. My sister’s marriage seemed very much intact, and so, of course, we laughed at suggestions that couldn’t possibly become realities.
Just eight months later Rex lay near death in a hospital and my sister’s divorce proceedings had begun. Remembering that day and the year that followed will always bring back bittersweet memories for me. My sister and I most certainly would not have chosen those colors from our box of choices, but we had to pull our lives together from the colors that were there. Today she is happy in a new marriage to a wonderful man, and my life with Rex is rich and full. My choice would not have been to experience what was given me to do, yet, as a result, each day is filled with deeper meaning, greater understanding, and new insights. If I could trade it all back now and take the challenges away, I would do so in a minute. I don’t like the fact that my husband has cancer. It is definitely a deviation from the life I had in mind for us. But if I could turn back the clock, would I also have to trade in what I have learned? I wouldn’t want to give that part back. Always having our first choice might mean giving up unknown benefits. As Emerson said, “For everything you have missed, you have gained something else” (Essays: First Series[1841], “Compensation”).
Let me share with you part of a letter someone wrote after hearing the story of Stephanie and her crayons.
I don’t have all the colors of crayons that I want—but I do have all the colors that I need. When I need new or different colors in my life, Heavenly Father will make sure that I have them. I know that he will never give me a challenge beyond my reach or beyond the tools he has given me to work with. I also know that the challenges and trials I have are in reality blessings, and I will be better and stronger for having gone through them.
I bear my testimony that God lives, that he hears and answers our prayers, that he will help us through life’s challenges because he loves us and wants us to return to him. It is my prayer that we will color our lives in a beautiful way with whatever colors are available to us, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Quote of the day

" There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."

- Good old Albert Einstein

This week I am grateful for:

-Silly Sisters




-Obviously grateful for puppies..they are miracles too.


Calling All Ladies

Hello and happy Tuesday!

 Today I am going to share 3 of my favorite MUST HAVE products. If you know me, I have piles of unused foundations, random face washes, and all sorts of products in my bathroom because I always buy new products and then hate them and store them for when I run out of foundation and need a backup for a few days..( Poor College Kid Probs) Or I guess I could have returned them and gotten money back to pay for my life…Didn't realize that till now..just kidding ;). That only really goes with foundation though..I actually am always switching out face washes because I truly believe that if you use a face wash for too long your skin gets use to it and you start breaking out all over again. BUT I am here to share with you that I have now stuck with THE SAME foundation for over 6 months and a face wash routine that has made my skin feel amazing and has latest longer than 4 months and that I hope to keep! Maybe thats not long for you but really..thats long for my skin. Listed below are my new faves and where to purchase! 

Tea Tree Oil: For Utah readers, this is found at " The Body Shop" I found mine at fashion place mall! 
I dab this on any blemishes after I go through my face wash routine( coming soon) right before I go to bed!

So Boscia is da bomb. I can't believe I have lived without it all these years. Its kind of cool too..It's a black cleanser that makes your face all warm like a mud mask and seriously makes your skin feel amazing. You can find Boscia at Sephora along with Boscia's entire line of scrubs, masks etc. BTW I tried the mask too and it's AH-MAZING. As you peel it off you can actually see all of the dirt coming off of your face..gross but cool. 

Lastly THE best foundation…Its nothing fancy but I love it. Sorry this isn't that great of picture but its Cover Girl Tru Blend ( my skin tone: L2) The only concern I have is that you guys HAVE to test it out to get your exact color..I didn't do that at first and I looked orange and hated it.. So even go a shade lighter than you think you are. Mine is the second lightest. I love this foundation because it's almost like it erases your pores! Seriously, your face looks so smooth and clear. You know how some foundations are thick, some are caked, and some don't even cover anything? Well this bad boy takes care of it all..Its super light and lets your skin breathe still but it really covers everything! I love how it looks smooth and not caked and it sometimes even looks like you aren't wearing any foundation because it doesn't clump in areas or make a mask( Depending on if you get the right color which I struggled with haha) So I am in love with it..The only thing is it isn't a mouse or thick foundation..It can make you look a bit shiny so I just dab a little powder over after I put it on! If you are interested I just buy cover girl powder as well. ALL FOUND AT WALGREENS. BOO YAHH. Haha seriously, no need to go get $40 foundation. Anyways…try it, don't try it, but its awesome. 

Heres my beautiful sister wearing cover girl Tru Blend! First time trying it and she loves it!




Sunday, February 1, 2015

You are probably lost… Lets make an intro!

Hello family, friends, random stalkers on this blog! Welcome to Be Cheeri's space of the internet. Be Cheeri was actually started for a school project in marketing…but we hope that it will go further than that and give people inspiration to be a happier and better you. Be Cheeri is a place to ramble about day to day life, share crafts, inspiration, healthy eats, tutorials, fashion, funny stories, not so funny stories and ways to BE CHEERI!

Background: This blog was started by two best friends to help make use of social media in a way to make it a more positive, uplifting thing. Social media is a big part of our world. It is an amazing source for new ideas and connecting with others! Sadly, we have also noticed how it can tear people down sometimes.. So we are not making this blog to show off a glamorous life. We encourage you to follow along with us on a journey to be happier and healthier in the mind, body, and soul. We want people to come to this blog and be inspired. There is no space for haters, majors in writing who would like to correct our grammar mistakes.. etc. So read, don't read, but just remember to live life at its fullest and be cheeri! 


Be Cheeri 

Sunday Thoughts

“Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives.”
- Sidney Madwed

 You really do create your life and the circumstances you're in whether it's where you want to be, or not....

Say your confident, You'll be more confident, say you'll be happy, you will be happy, say it's a good day, and it will be the
 best day.

When I first moved to Utah I was so stressed out of my mind and not myself.

.Lets rewind a bit….

I graduated a year early from high school in Gilbert Arizona. I had no game plan to graduate early and go to school or 
what I would do once I graduated I just decided I wanted to and once I set my mind to something I don't give up. So I 
graduated…Uh what do I do now?! All of my friends either went to college or still go to high school.. I wasn't about to just 
be one of those lazy butts who sits at home and has to wait for everyone to get out of school. I realized I could not let this 

Some people just think I want to speed in life and grow up..I get that a lot. And even though I may look like I am 20, or 24 
like Cameron says, once you get to know me the age drops hah! Not sure if that is okay or not..but ill take it! But no, I 
didn't want to just speed up my life..besides you are only 18 once, have fun!( In a totally drug-free way… Don't have that 
kind of fun;) ) 

One day I had a thought.. Utah? And you have to know something about me.. I don't just get up and move..I didnt WANT 
to leave Gilbert. This was one of those thoughts that would keep coming back to me even when I pushed it away.. And 
when that happens I listen.. They always say listen to your gut, well your gut is your spirit.

 So, I finally opened up to the idea of Utah.. The craziest part of this all was my dad one morning came to me and told me
 that he had one of his midnight ideas that I should move to Utah.. well we can't not listen now! So in less than 2 days I 
found a replacement for my nanny job, I packed up everything and drove to Utah. It was so easy…Everything lined up 
perfectly. That is one way I know that it was suppose to happen. 

OK so forward now to Utah.. I had no friends, had no idea how to get around (  Siri and I are best friends now) always sat 
in the back at my new singles ward, and could not stand stupid Utah drivers…

Yup that was me…until one rainy day at Dans grocery store.

I was in the worst mood. The rain bugged me ( Arizonian) Utah drivers bugged me, I didn't have a job yet, and I was just 
alone. I walked into Dans with the attitude of, " Wow today sucks." I didn't think it really showed until this old man sitting 
on a bench where all the carts were said, " Wow you look happy! SMILE! " He gave me this smile but I took it like he was 
making fun of me. I know it wasn't that big of deal but my first thoughts were, " Who is this guy?! He doesn't know me! He's
just one of those rude grumpy old men." I hurried and walked away and bought my groceries.

 As I was checking out I leaned over to look and see if that same old man was sitting there. Crap. I then stopped myself thinking what the heck? It wasn't even that rude.. Ugh fine I am going to just give him a smile and hurry out.
As I passed him I all of the sudden got the impression to stop and talk to him. I know thats weird but I did. I told him how I 
didn't realize that my bad mood could show and that I was sorry I was rude. I then went on about how I hated the cold and
 the Utah drivers. We talked for a few minutes about how I moved here and we talked about his sweet wife who grew up 
in ARIZONA! He laughed as he told me jokes about how she was such a baby with the cold when they first got married. 
He then said, " You are ALWAYS given the choice to be happy. It contagious too.. Even on those hard days just fake it 
until you become happy." 

And that is just what I did. I realized I had been so selfish! I began to think of the homeless that I passed every day in Salt 
lake city, Stephanie Nielson, a family friend who lost her two twin baby girls, and this old man whose wife had passed 
away... and I was mad about a little rain and bad drivers? 

I then got up and gave him a huge smile. He said, " There ya go! It's like you just got married again!" Uhhh.. Not sure 
where that one came from but it made me laugh. 

That day was beautiful. It is still one of my favorite memories. YOU decide if you are happy, YOU decide. Since I have 
taken on this concept I have been so blessed. I made AMAZING friends, got an amazing job, and learned to drive like a 
boss ;). So since then I have made sure to smile to grumpy mean people, even if they don't smile back. It helped me that
day so I will pay it forward. I am not saying I don't have bad days..we all do.. But we do need to remember that our 
happiness, sadness, or whatever mood is contagious to those around us. Fake it until you become it.

CHOOSE to be HAPPY :). 


Ashley ( Be Cheeri)